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New Release: Poetry Collection


Against Certain Capture

The prize-winning collection, now in its second edition, is back in print.

Second edition reprint by popular demand

2004 WA Premier's Book Award for Poetry

Peer-reviewed and highly rated on Goodreads

Also available

Bree's Forest Adventure

illustrated by Emily-Rose Lochore

A gentle walk in the tall karri forest for Bree and her family, looking for wildflowers.  They are happy to see different species of orchids and see some pretty little birds.

And finally they find what they are really looking for - the very rare Karri spider orchid!

Bree's Forest adventure

Purchase books with Miriam's Poems


Seagift is a collection of stories and poems that circle the theme of joy.

This collection moves from joy-riding the streets of Armadale to the toothless grin of a baby to the joy of learning another language. Many of the stories and poems approach joy from the angle of sorrow, anger, or heartbreak. There is also joy in answered prayer, new beginnings, and even in uncertain endings.

Edited by Miriam Wei Wei Lo, Melinda Tognini, and T. C. Shelley.

MWWL poem here: "Definitions".

Purchase books with Miriam's Poems


Resilience is a collection of fiction, poetry, essays, and creative nonfiction

that explores resilience from many different perspectives. It is also a celebration of the 15th year of Mascara Literary Review which has championed diverse voices in Australian letters for all of its existence. 

Funny, thought-provoking, and often deeply moving.

Edited by Michelle Cahill, Monique Nair, and Anthea Yang.

MWWL poem here: "Autographs" (3).

Purchase books with Miriam's Poems

What We Carry: Poetry on Childbearing

What We Carry brings together the voices of more than 60 contemporary Australian poets to provide lyrical and embodied accounts of childbearing.

Featuring diverse voices and perspectives on experiences of infertility, conception, termination, loss, pregnancy, birth, and the early postpartum period, this collection illuminates the endlessly different ways the potential to carry life is experienced. 

Edited by Ella Kurz, Simone King, and Claire Delahunty.

MWWL poems here: "No Epidural" and "Friend".

Purchase books with Miriam's Poems

The Language in My Tongue

An Anthology of Australian and New Zealand Poetry

Edited by Cassandra Atherton and Paul Hetherington. 

MWWL poems here: "Searching for Words", "No Epidural", "Just Before Covid-19 Hits I Sell My Gold".

Purchase books with Miriam's Poems

The Fremantle Press Anthology

of Western Australian Poetry

is a comprehensive survey of the state's poets from the nineteenth century to today ... It is a volume for locals and visitors, for Western Australians and Australians in general, and for readers of poetry from around the world who are interested in how poets who share certain geographies reveal their differences and similarities in generative and creative ways.

Edited by John Kinsella and Tracy Ryan. 

MWWL poems here: "Don't Call Me Grandma", "Bumboat Cruise on the Singapore River".

Raving Reviews


Within their brevity, Lo lucidly evokes these women’s characters and times. Against Certain Capture adopts this approach, offering 21 shortish poems, devoting half to each grandmother. She does so by subtly deploying poetic craft.


Helen Hagemann

Against Certain Capture opens as a generous homage to family and the various struggles of two women. The poetry is dense, lyrical and poetic lines such as “starlight touching the first dew of morning” are peppered throughout.

Helen Hagemann

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